Get To Know Our Two Human Personalities
Every life form and every non-life form comes with a basic design. Design is
This is an unique book, a conversation between a human being and its soul. An exchange of ideas between a physical being and a metaphysical being, truthfully transcribed, tastefully written and thoughtfully delivered.
“Relativity is an extremely critical component of human relationships and physical life.”
“We have all grown up the Euclidean way, named after the Alexandrian Greek mathematician Euclid.”
“While biology is a study of all beautiful living things, life is about celebrating the beauty of life.”
Poet, Thinker, Writer and metaphysical philosopher, Neil David Chan is the author of his new book: “A Higher Conversation” – Another Way to be Human. Being a well-traveled, cosmopolitan writer, Neil has extensively absorbed the languages, backgrounds, religions, and cultures of our uniquely beautiful planet. A Higher Conversation is the culmination of collective wisdom, discovery, and inspiration derived from his many years of writing, travel, and exploration.
Neil strongly believes in how humans are constructed as a three aspect being Body Mind and Soul. He believes that our soul has and is, a misunderstood metaphysical entity. Using his deep belief and understanding, he was able to connect with his soul to begin a higher conversation. Neil uses his soul as his compass all the time to navigate his way through life. Through his book, he hopes to illuminate this same compass for others so that they can discover their untapped potential and practice another way to be human.
His second book is on its way. He is passionate about making a difference in the world to help others find their compass. Neil lives and writes from Toronto, Canada, the true North, with his wife. They have two children. He spends his summer hiking and camping with his wife and their friends. Neil loves watching basketball, his favorite team: NBA champions – Toronto Raptors. He also mixes a mean cocktail.
Your journey in life is not complete until you make your first contact with your soul. This will uplift you to your next stage in evolution – A hybrid being, physical at times, metaphysical at times, with the power to choose and move between these two stages as you wish.
“Earth went rogue and is dying. A far away planet is the only hope. Time has run out. Humanity must escape Earth. If they fail, humanity may not survive. In deep space any and everything is possible. Discover an unforgettable journey and an amazing story. If you like Sci-Fi and stories of far away planets and advanced civilizations, you will love the first installment of Neil David Chan’s super-powered high-octane series. Click to read a book synopsis to find out.”
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Every life form and every non-life form comes with a basic design. Design is
We are a human being, but we have never done any being, we are
What is technology? Wikipedia defines technology as the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and
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A Higher Conversation
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